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Sustainable Energy Transition

This site provides documents and slides of presentations about sustainability and energy transitions, climate policy, nuclear power, renewable power, cogeneration, and related subjects. Sustainable Development is the framing paradigm. Political economy suits my analysis of public and corporate energy-climate strategies.

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May 2024 Astana & Almaty lectures: the 7 lectures at Nazarbayev University in Astana are uploaded
December 28, 2023: Challenging New Year in front of you

Latest publications:

May 22, 2024 Strategic Decision-making in Energy Policy, Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan, Astana
May 21, 2024 The Future of Nuclear Energy, Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan, Astana
May 20, 2024 Electricity Economics, Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan, Astana
May 20, 2024 Innovations in electricity generation, Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan, Astana
May 15, 2024 Energy and Economics, Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan, Astana
May 14, 2024 Climate Change, Sustainability, and Energy, Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan, Astana 
May 13, 2024 A few comments about sustainability Astana, SDSN conference
March 21, 2024 Atomic power is maintained by fake discourse. Brussels, Don’t nuke the climate

September 10, 2023 Energy and Climate Policy Debunked REFORM Group meeting lecture
March 9, 2023 EU Emissions Trading System: Critical Review Seminar at KULouvain, Department of Mechanical Engineering
November 21, 2022 Sustainability and the Energy Question Lecture at Erasmus University, Rotterdam
November 14, 2022 The geopolitics of trillion US$ oil & gas rents Extended version, published by the Int.J. of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management
November 7, 2022 Quo Vadis Energy System Transformation? Version2-update Essay
October 5, 2022 FOREWORD World Nuclear Industry Status Report WNISR2022
October 5, 2022 Energy & Decarbonization Politics affected by Price and Money
September 11, 2022 Europe’s dystopia in pricing electricity 
July 21, 2022 The geopolitics of trillion US$ oil & gas rents – The Guardian. Revealed: oil sector’s ‘staggering’ $3bn-a-day profits for last 50 years, by Damian Carrington
June 15, 2022 Emissions Trading with focus on EU ETS. Lecture
May 9, 2022 Predatory Wars for Trillion US$ oil&gas rents UPDATED
February 14, 2022 Madsen Paul Thois A Review of ‘Pricing Carbon Emissions. Economic Reality and Utopia’

Earlier publications (some recent on this site)
October 31, 2021: Nuclear Power and Sustainability Palgrave book chapter
June 2021 Pricing Carbon Emissions: Economic Reality and Utopia ROUTLEDGE, 262p. is available as OPEN ACCESS ebook. Since January 2023, Routledge sells a paperback version of the book at £29,59.
February 22, 2012 Micro-economic approach to the energy rebound effects for households. Working paper by Johan Couder & Aviel Verbruggen

On this site you mainly find text and slide pdfs available for downloading. The pdfs are classified in seven clusters, listed in the top menu Publications, and under three more topmenu’s like Inconvenient Views, Transversal Issues, and About Aviel.
There is a roadmap of the site.
Various items in the wide field of energy & environmental, climate economics and policy are covered. The framing paradigm of my research is Sustainable Development. Since a few years I adopted political economy as major perspective for analysis.
My research is conform the principle
Prefer to speak true words receiving blame
          above deceiving advice in soliciting praise.
Direct access to my publications and lectures looks the most effective and efficient way of communication. I appreciate to be referenced when you use my work. When you want to share comments, please mail me via: Aviel.VERBRUGGEN@uantwerpen.b